
giovedì 11 agosto 2011

The Hobbit, edizione americana del 1967

The Hobbit
di J.R.R. Tolkien
1° ed. 1966. 24° rist. 1967 agosto
Houghton Mifflin and Co., Boston , pp. 317
Cartonato con sovraccoperta
Illustrazioni: J.R.R. Tolkien
Note: Illustrazioni in b/n. La sovraccoperta riproduce la prima edizione inglese stampata nel 1937

Di questa edizione posseggo anche:

The Hobbit
di J.R.R. Tolkien
1° ed. 1966. 25° rist. 1968 febbraio 25
Houghton Mifflin and Co., Boston , pp. 317
Cartonato con sovraccoperta
Illustrazioni: J.R.R. Tolkien
Note: Illustrazioni in b/n. La sovraccoperta riproduce la prima edizione inglese stampata nel 1937

The Hobbit
di J.R.R. Tolkien
1° ed. 1966. 26° rist. e data sconosciuta
Houghton Mifflin and Co., Boston , pp. 317
Cartonato con sovraccoperta
Illustrazioni: J.R.R. Tolkien
Note: Illustrazioni in b/n. La sovraccoperta riproduce la prima edizione inglese stampata nel 1937

Note di copertina presenti su tutte e tre le ristampe

1° aletta
When The Hobbit was first published in this country, the American Library Association's reviewer said in the ALA Bulletin
"At the time of this writing, sill under the spell of the story, I cannot bend my mind to ask myself whether our American children will like it. My impulse is to say if they don't, so much the worse for them ..."
At the same time, anne carroll moore, for so many uears America's most distinguished children's librarian, called The Hobbit. A refreshingly adventurous and originale tale ... There is sound learning behind The Hobbit, while a rich vein of humor connects this little being, described as smaller than a dwarf, with the strange beings of the ancient world and the world we live in today".
By now, The Hobbit has become a classic, and the Horn Book's prophetic review gives some hints as to why: "The background of the story is full of authentic bits of mythology and magic and the book has the rare quality of style. It is written with a quiet humor and the logical detail in which children take delight ... this is a book with no age limits. All those, young or old, who love a finely imagined story, beautifully told, will take The Hobbit to their hearts." 

2° aletta
The Lord of the Rings
by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King
The Lord of the Rings is not a book to be described in a few sentences.  It is an heroic romance - 'something which has scarsely been attempted on this scale since Spenser's Faerie Queene, so one can't praise the book by comparisons - there is nothing to compare it with.  What can I say then?'  continues RICHARD HUGHES, 'for width of imagination it almost beggars parallel, and it is nearly as remarkable for its vividness and for the narrative skill which carries the reader on, enthalled, for page after page.'
   By an extraordinary feat of the imagination Mr. Tolkien has created, and maintains in every detail, a new mythology in an invented world. As for the story itself, 'it's really super science fiction', declared NAOMI MITCHISON after reading the first part,
The Fellowship of the Ring, 'but it is timeless and will go on and on.  It's odd you know. One takes it completely seriously: as seriously as Malory'.
   C.S. LEWIS is equally enthusiastic. 'If Ariosto rivialled it in invention (in fact he does not) he would still lack its heroic seriousness. No imaginary world has been projected which is at once as multifarious and so true to its own inner laws; none so seemingly objective, so disinfected from the taint of an author's merely individual psychology; none so relevant to the actual human situation yet so free from allegory. And what fine shading there is in the variations of style to meet the almost endless diversity of scenes and characters - comic, homely, epic, monstrous, or diabolic.'
   Spenser, Malory, Ariosto or Science Fiction? A flavour of all of them and a taste of its own. Only those who have read The Lord of the Rings will realise how impossible it is to convey all the qualities of a great book.