
sabato 8 ottobre 2011

The Lord of the Rings, edizione canadese 1971-1975

Al contrario di altri paesi di lingua inglese, che hanno sempre importato edizioni dall’Inghilterra o dagli Stati Uniti, il Canada ha la particolarità di avere una propria edizione del Signore degli Anelli.
Questa edizione tascabile è stata pubblicata per la prima volta dala filiale di Toronto della Methuen nel 1971 con ristampe, quasi annuali, edite per i primi anni settanta. Il testo è la seconda edizione del 1966 corretta da Tolkien per ristabilire i diritti d’autore e correggere alcuni errori presenti nella prima edizione. L’impaginazione è perciò la stessa che si trova in altre edizioni inglesi salvo la presenza di diversi errori di stampa. Le illustrazioni della copertina sono di Pauline Baynes e nel retro si legge un frase di apprezzamento dello stesso Tolkien per l’uscita di una edizione canadese.
Nel secondo e terzo volume sono presenti dei riassunti dei volumi precedenti e nel terzo volume è presente l’intera Appendice.

The Fellowship of the Rings
di J.R.R. Tolkien
Methuen (Paperback), Toronto, 1° ed. 1971, pp. 440
Illustrazioni di copertina di Pauline Baynes

Note di copertina
“Among the great works of imaginative fiction of the mid-20th Century.”
Sunday Telegraph

The Lord of the Rings is not a book to be described in a few sentences. It is an heroic romance – “something which has scarcely been attempted on this scale since. Spenser’s Faerie Queene, so one can’t praise the book by comparisons – there’s nothing to compare it with. What can I say then?” Richard Hughes continues, “For width of imagination it almost beggars parallel, and it is nearly as remarkable for it vividness and for narrative skill which carries the reader on, enthralled, for page after page.”

The Fellowship of the Ring delineates the immense power of the One Ring and begins the extraordinary heroic tale of war and adventure which continues in The Two Towers and climaxes in The Return of the King.

“I welcome the publication in Canada of this edition of “The Lord of the Rings.”
J.R.R Tolkien

The Two Towers
di J.R.R. Tolkien
Methuen (Paperback), Toronto, 7° rist. 1° ed. 1971, pp. 352
Illustrazioni di copertina di Pauline Baynes

Note di copertina
“Among the great works of imaginative fiction of the mid-20th Century.”
Sunday Telegraph

The Lord of the Rings is not a book to be described in a few sentences. It is an heroic romance – “something which has scarcely been attempted on this scale since. Spenser’s Faerie Queene, so one can’t praise the book by comparisons – there’s nothing to compare it with. What can I say then?” Richard Hughes continues, “For width of imagination it almost beggars parallel, and it is nearly as remarkable for it vividness and for narrative skill which carries the reader on, enthralled, for page after page.”

The Two Towers benefit of those who have not read part one, The Fellowship of the Ring, the author provides in this volume a synopsis of the story to this point.

“I welcome the publication in Canada of this edition of “The Lord of the Rings.”
J.R.R Tolkien

The Retrun of the King
di J.R.R. Tolkien
Methuen (Paperback), Toronto, 1° ed. 1971, pp. 423
Illustrazioni di copertina di Pauline Baynes

Note di copertina
“Among the great works of imaginative fiction of the mid-20th Century.”
Sunday Telegraph

The Lord of the Rings is not a book to be described in a few sentences. It is an heroic romance – “something which has scarcely been attempted on this scale since. Spenser’s Faerie Queene, so one can’t praise the book by comparisons – there’s nothing to compare it with. What can I say then?” Richard Hughes continues, “For width of imagination it almost beggars parallel, and it is nearly as remarkable for it vividness and for narrative skill which carries the reader on, enthralled, for page after page.”

The Return of the King is the third and final part of the fantastic epic of Middle-Earth. For those who habe not read the first two parts, the author provides a brief synopsis of the story thus far.

“I welcome the publication in Canada of this edition of “The Lord of the Rings.”
J.R.R Tolkien