
sabato 30 giugno 2012

The Tolkien Companion, prima edizione inglese 1977

The Tolkien Companion
di  .J.E.A. Tyler
Illustrato da Kevin Reilly
Picador, Londra,
1° edizione 1977, pp. 531

J.E.A. Tyler has compiled almost every known fact, name, 'foreign' word, date, and etymological allusion occuring in Professor Tolkien's history of the Middle-earth of long ago into one complete and accessible concordance. It includes much of the High History of the Elven peoples, whose tragedy it was to introduce war into a hitherto innocend Middle-earth: it sheds new light on the origins of Morgoth the Enemy, on his Fall, and on the subsequent rise to power of his servant, Sauron the Great, Lord of the Rings: and it detils the long and heroic story of how the various Free Peoples - Elves, Men, Ents, Dwarves, and of course Hobbits - attempted, with varying success, to maintain themselves and their relams against the greatest Peril of the Ancient World. There is also a detailed guide to the various Elvish writing-systems, together with explanatory maps, charts and genealogical tables developed by the compiler and drawn by Kevin Reilly.