
sabato 16 marzo 2013

Due serie di segnalibri dedicati a Lo Hobbit di Peter Jackson

Due Set di segnalibro magnetici realizzati in occasione dell'uscita del film di Peter Jackson The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey.

The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
Magnetic Bookmarks Set A
SD, 2012
New Line Cinema

1. Il Bianco Consiglio
2. Bilbo sull’uscio di Bag End
3. Gandalf
4. Bilbo e i Nani

1. “Rivendel, the Elf-Haven of Imladris the last Homely House East of the Sea.”
2. “The world is not in your maps and books, Bilbo… It’s out there”
3. An Unexpected Journey
4. “Confusticate and bebother these Dwarves”

The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
Magnetic Bookmarks Set B
SD, 2012
New Line Cinema

1. Bilbo sull’uscio di Bag End
2. La Compagnia di Thorin Scudodiquercia
3. Il segno lasciato da Gandalf sulla porta di Bag End
4. Radagast

1. “Adventures… nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things… make you late for dinner!” - Bilbo
2. The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
3. “I’m going on an adventure!” - Bilbo
4. “In those days this ancient woodland was still known as Greenwood the Great; I’ts pathways were lit by sunshine and swept by soft winds…”