
venerdì 28 giugno 2013

The Hobbit, la famosa edizione inglese Puffin Book 1961

The Hobbit
di J.R.R. Tolkien
1a edizione tascabile, 1961
Puffin Books / Penguin Books, Harmondsworth
Illustrazione di copertina di Pauline Baynes


Comprende la Mappa del Thrór e la Mappa delle Terre Selvagge sulle prime preliminari e non sono incluse le illustrazioni in bianco e nero di Tolkien.

Sono state stampate 35.000 copie e non più ristampato.

Il testo è stato completamente azzerato, e nel processo di stampa sono state apportate numerose modifiche al testo di Tolkien come dwarves > dwarfs e elvish > elfish
Lo stesso Tolkien non sapeva delle correzioni se non dopo la pubblicazione e questo lo contrariò moltissimo.


Editor : Kaye Webb

PS 161


There are some books, like some music or places (or even some food!), which are so special and different that there is no way to describe them. You just have to find out for yourself.
The Hobbit, which Professor Tolkien originally wrote for his own children, is such a book. We can tell you that it is an unusual kind of fairy tale; that its chief character is an engaging domesticated little hobbit called Bilbo Baggins; and that its story is about how he and his dwarf friends go on a perilous journey over the Lonely Mountains to win back their treasure from the Dragon Smaug. We can promise you that their encounter with trolls and goblins, Bilbo’s Riddle Battle with the monster Gollum, and their other dangers and adventures are so vivid and convincing that they will come to seem more real than the everyday world. But this is only part of the quality which has made this book as famous as The Wind in the Willows. For just as Bilbo comes back from his travels a changed hobbit (with a taste for writing poetry), so you, when you have finished reading (or listening, for this is a perfect reading aloud book), will find you will never be quite the same again.
The Hobbit will enchant everyone with imagination, but perhaps some of the more alarming battles might be left out for listeners under eight.

Cover design by Pauline Baynes