
sabato 26 aprile 2014

Due segnalibro per celebrare i 50 anni di The Hobbit, 1937-1987

Nel 1987, in occasione del 50° Anniversario della pubblicazione di The Hobbit, l'editore inglese di Tolkien, la Unwin Hyman, rilasciò un'edizione paperback con la copertina illustrata da Roger Garland. Molte furono le iniziative per celebrare l'evento con espositori dedicati e questi due segnalibro, uno dei quali legato anche a un concorso.

The Hobbit 50th Anniversary
Unwin Hyman/Unwin Paperbacks, 1987
Misure 210x45 mm

Il segnalibro permetteva di partecipare a un quiz lanciato dall’editore con la possibilità di vincere l’edizione rigida, la 16° impressione uscita proprio nel 1987, di The Lord of the RIngs.

Hobbit Quiz
Test your Hobbit knowledge and you may win the Hardback edition of the three volumes of Lord of the Rings.

Hobbit Quiz
Write your answer on a postcard or piece of plain paper, starting your name, address and telephone number, and hand it in to your Sherratt and Hughes Bookshop. There will be one first prize winner, drawn from entries from bookshops nationwide.

1 Who were Bilbo’s parents?
2 How many dwarves were with Gandalf on the adventure?
3 How were the three trolls encountered in the wood dealt with?
4 What was the question Bilbo asked that Gollum could not answer? And what was the answer?
5 In what manner of transport did Bilbo escape from the dungeons of the Elvenking?
6 How did Gollum come by the Ring?
7 What was Smaug’s weakspot, and how did Bilbo discover it?
8 Who or what was Roäc son of Carc?
9 What was the greatest treasure redeemed from the dragon’s hoard, and where did it finally come to rest?
10 What was Bilbo going to call his memories?

Final entry date 16th April 1987

The Hobbit 50th Anniversary
Unwin Hyman/Unwin Paperbacks, 1987
Misure 200x50 mm

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