
sabato 18 febbraio 2012

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, edizione inglese 1991 firmato da Roger Garland

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
di J.R.R. Tolkien.
Unwin Paperbacks, Londra
1° ed. 1990, 1° rist. 1991
Illustrato da Roger Garland

Include un errore non presente nell’ottima bibliografia redatta da Wayne Hammond. A pagina 11, infatti, è riportato ‘dock-step’ anziché ‘door-step’ nel poema The Adventures of Tom Bombadil.

Quarta di copertina
 ‘something close to genius’
Anthony Thwaite, The Listener

This delightful volume of songs, rhymes and poems from The Red Book has many tales to tell.

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil tell us of Tom’s encounters with Goldberry, the River-woman’s beautiful daughter, with Old Man Willow, who tries to trap Tom inside his trunk, with the Badger-folk, and with the ghostly Barrow-wight who dwells in the ancient mound on the hill-top. In the other berses we meet a princess lovely as an elven-song, the Man in the Moon, Trolls, Dwarves and legendary beasts.