
sabato 18 febbraio 2012

Smith of Wootton Major, edizione inglese 1991 firmato da Roger Garland

Smith of Wootton Major
di J.R.R. Tolkien.
Unwin Paperbacks, Londra
1° ed. 1990, 1° rist. 1991
Illustrato da Roger Garland


Quarta di copertina
J.R.R. Tolkien’s enchanting fairy-story.

Every twenty-four years in the village of Wootton Major the Feast of Good Children was held. This was a very special occasion and to celebrate it a Great Cake was prepared, to feed the twenty-four children who were invited. The cake was very sweet and rich and entirely covered in sugar icing. But inside there were some very strange ingredients and whoever swallowed one of them would gain the gift of entry into the Land of Faery…

‘The book has a haunting quality characteristic of the best of the “deeper” folk-tales. It is a beautiful memorable story.’
Times Educational Supplement

‘May be compared to the most delicate miniature but it is one of a rare kind: the more closely it is examined the more it reveals the grandeur of its conception. And whoever reads it at eight, will no doubt still be going back to it at eighty.’
New Statesman

Questa edizione in brossura è illustrata da Roger Garland.